City News, LADBS, Planning

Planning Releases Implementation Memo re AB2097 parking relief

Chris Parker / January 5, 2023

One of the most significant statewide laws that took effect on Jan. 1 is AB2097, which prohibits cities from imposing automobile parking restrictions on any residential, commercial or other development project within 0.5 miles of a “major transit stop” (as defined by state law). 

Typically, it takes Los Angeles several weeks into the new year to provide guidance on how it will implement new state laws. 

Not this year. Planning Director Vincent Bertoni issued his department’s implementation memo late last week. You can find it here.

In addition, the department’s ZIMAS website has been updated to include a hyperlink on each parcel that indicates whether it is eligible for reduced parking per AB 2097. With this hyperlink, applicants can quickly determine whether their project site is within 0.5 miles of a major transit stop.