Chris Parker / February 5, 2025
The following is a summary of the steps needed before construction can start in Los Angeles, Altadena, and Malibu:
Step 1: Debris Removal
Property owners in the wildfire burn areas can rebuild after both phases of the toxic debris cleanup is completed for their site.
The EPA is required to complete the first phase cataloguing and removal of significant hazardous materials.
Phase 2 to remove the remaining toxic materials can be done for free by the USACE or at owner’s expense by a private contractor.
Step 2: Permitting
Officials with the cities of Los Angeles and Malibu and the County of Los Angeles have said that homeowners who propose an eligible replacement home will be given an expedited review of the building plans.
Eligible projects are those that propose to replace the previous home and accessory structures “up to 110%” of the previously permitted floor area and height. The new homes are also expected to occupy roughly the same footprint as before.
The cities of LA and Malibu and LA County are accepting permit applications for fire rebuild, but formal guidelines are expected to be released in the coming days on how the reviews will be expedited for eligible projects and what plans will be needed.
LADBS announced yesterday that demolition permits won’t be needed for rebuild projects that meet certain criteria.
For properties in the Coastal Zone, Gov. Newsom announced that eligible rebuilds won’t need Coastal Commission review.
Step 3: Construction
Property owners can begin the permitting process before the debris process is complete but construction cannot begin until both phases of cleanup are completed.