City News

Deadline Extended to Obtain Permanent Al Fresco Permit

Chris Parker / December 21, 2024

Mayor Bass announced earlier this month a 1-year extension on the deadline for filing to obtain permits that would allow restaurants to keep the Al Fresco eating areas that were created during the COVID-19 pandemic.

This is the second deadline extension announced for this important program. Prior to her announcement, restaurants were required to file by the end of this month.

“We must support businesses and help them thrive,” Mayor Bass said in a prepared statement announcing the extension.

The city’s Al Fresco program streamlines the permitting process that allows dining on sidewalks, streets and other outdoor spaces. Restaurants that created Al Fresco space during the pandemic can apply to make that space permanent. Restaurants that don’t already have Al Fresco space can also use the program to apply for new outdoor service areas.

For those who need assistance with Al Fresco permitting, please contact Pacific Crest Consultants at 818-591-9309 or